This paper sets out the tax strategy of Sunny Square Limited
(the "Company"). In making this strategy available the Company
is fulfilling its responsibilities under paragraph 16,
Schedule 19 of Finance Act 2016.
This tax strategy applies to all UK taxes applicable to the
Company. The Board is responsible for setting and monitoring
the strategy; and it will be reviewed annually and any amendments
will be approved by the Board. The finance team of the Company
is accountable to the Board for the implementation of the tax
strategy and the management of tax and related risks.
The Company's principal activity is investment holding. Our tax strategy
reflects our status as a member of an international group, which requires
strong governance, protection of our reputation, and,
delivering returns to our shareholders. Our tax strategy
reflects our commitment to comply with local tax laws,
regulations and guidance; and to be a responsible UK tax payer.
The Management of tax risks
The Company's continuing approach to UK tax risk management
and governance is based on the principles of reasonable care,
and being a responsible UK tax payer.
The Company maintains rigorous internal controls and systems
to ensure that the level of UK tax risk is low, in line with
what the Board considers to be acceptable. These controls
include the use of suitably qualified and experienced staff
internally, oversight from the Board on tax matters, internal
review and authorisation procedures and the maintenance of
audit trails.
Additionally, where a transaction gives rise to a material tax
uncertainty, the Company seeks professional advice both from
appropriately qualified staff in its Finance department and,
if appropriate, support from the Group Finance department.
Advice will also be sought from the Company's external
professional advisers where required, to ensure the correct
tax treatment is applied to the transaction.
The transfer pricing policy for the Company is managed at a
group level and seeks to ensure that all transactions with
related companies will be on an arm's length basis in
accordance with the OECD guidelines. Regular reviews of this
are performed by its ultimate parent company, to ensure that
these are appropriate for both the frequency and complexity of
the related company transactions entered into by the Company.
Attitude to tax planning
The Company will ensure that all transactions entered into are
aligned with the Company's underlying commercial objectives
and are compliant with the relevant UK tax legislation. The
Company will not engage in tax planning if it is not in
keeping with the Company's commercial objectives, or if the
arrangements are detrimental to the Company's reputation,
brand, corporate and social responsibilities, or future
working relationship with HMRC.
Where the underlying transactions and tax effect are
non-routine the Company will seek appropriate independent
external professional advice where required, to ensure
compliance with all relevant statutory and legal obligations.
The Company regards tax evasion in any form, either by
knowingly not declaring income or inaccurately declaring
income or expenditure to be unacceptable. The Company expects
all its associates to comply with the UK's Corporate Criminal
Offence rules within the Criminal Finance Act 2017.
Acceptable level of UK tax risk
The Company will only accept a low level of UK tax risk, as it
seeks to be a responsible UK tax payer.
The Company's tax risk is monitored by the finance team, with
input from professional advisors where required and material
issues are brought to the Board's attention. The finance team
and the Board are pro-active in ensuring that UK tax risk
remains low.
Approach to working with HMRC
The Company will actively seek to work with HMRC, in order to
ensure all of its statutory and legal obligations are
satisfied. As such, the Company seeks to act in an open,
honest and transparent manner in its dealings with HMRC.
The Company's strategic aim is to avoid disputes with HMRC,
and maintain a low tax risk rating. Therefore the Company will
comply with all relevant legal disclosure and approval
requirements; and relevant information will be clearly
presented to HMRC. The Company will also seek to ensure that
filings are made and taxes are paid in a timely manner.
Where errors arise, it is our policy to disclose these to HMRC
and to also ensure that appropriate remedial action is
The tax strategy will be subject to continuous review by the
Board to ensure that the Company is adhering to its strategic
aims and objectives.